
  November 02,2023


People on an average spend one third of their time at the workplace. They face serious hazards at their workplace in the form of temperature, noise, radiation, chemicals, air-borne diseases and physical & mental stress. Running is the best solution for all physical and mental health issues. Running or Jogging is the best cardio exercise which lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease. It lowers the chances of dying from heart disease by half. Our body repairs itself when we are asleep. MAS, An imperative role player for industrial development in Satara District has organized a Marathon which will be held on 2nd Oct 2022, with the running distance of 11km & 5km. The main theme for this event is to create fitness awareness and empowerment among the people working in the industrial sector and to protect our mother nature from global warming. Though the motive of this marathon is organized for industrial workforce, this marathon is open for everyone as we all need positive transformation in our physical, mental and natural environment which will help us to succeed in our different walks of life.